Accessories for installation of stretch ceilings of excellent quality. Embedded parts for ceiling lights, chandeliers, smoke detectors, ventilation plafonds, contours for heating risers. WhatsApp / Viber +37258500838

0.00 / pcs

Platforms and rings

Thermal rings 5 – 610 mm

0.3710.10 / pcs

Materials for stretch ceilings and accessories

Thermal rings white 105 – 130 – 155 mm

0.49 / pcs

Materials for stretch ceilings and accessories

Thermo square

0.720.97 / pcs

Materials for stretch ceilings and accessories

Bypass pipe Bone 24-28-34 mm

1.09 / pcs

Materials for stretch ceilings and accessories

Universal spotlight support Square

1.212.93 / pcs
1.83 / pcs
1.89 / pcs
1.89 / pcs
2.44 / pcs
2.03 / pcs
2.03 / pcs
2.03 / pcs
2.54 / pcs
2.397.99 / pcs
3.87 / pcs